
Marriage is a collaborative effort and we’ve been collaborating for 25 years now. To add a new dimension to our life together, we’ve decided to join in the creative flow of photography–an art that David has pursued for years, and that Victoria has just discovered as an adjunct to her writing blog, Victoria C. Slotto, Author, where the focus is primarily poetry.

David’s life journey took him on a number of side trips, a major one of which was life as a professional photographer. Victoria worked as a Registered Nurse, most of the time in the fields of death and dying. When we met, both of us were in our 40’s and had never married. We understand that marriage takes work and compromise. It is well worth the effort.

Now retired, we enjoy life with our sweet canine kids in Reno, Nevada and Palm Desert California–both places visually breath-taking and sources of great inspiration.

We welcome you to our blog and hope you will enjoy sharing the beauty and reality of  what we see and how we see it.

Photo: Zoe and Sparky

Photo: David Slotto   Zoe and Sparky



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